Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mitube: Mitubular

My head was so full of ideas this morning that for the first half of my train ride I forgot I was supposed to be writing this. I was standing next to a woman who looked so sad, like a black hole of energy with no more optimism to give. Like the threat of a dementor ciphering the joy out of anyone in a 10 centre metre radius. Because I've woken up in a moderate mood I can't risk anything that tips me over the edge of darkness so I stand up straight and smile to over compensate for her slouchy sombre presence. That must have looked a bit strange but its what we need to do to stay optimistic & breezy. Even stranger was that I had nowhere to hold onto for support and was bending my knees to balance the wave of the Northern line.  Next to her is one of the most beautiful girls I've seen in a while, her skin is perfect, her figure enviable and her outfit very swish. I can't help but be fascinated by beautiful people. I wonder about their lives more than someone like grumpyshoes next to her. Its strange how life has a way of rewarding people who have an aesthetic harmony to them. I'm not trying to sound like an early morning hippy tube surfer plugging my motivational barrels but I think combined with a good attitude and tireless enthusiasm life rewards you in authentic ways. I know every day that I decide with every cell in my body that I'm going to have a good day, even if it requires a healthy side of denial, I do. I think if more people realised that a simple attitude adjustment and over compensation for the negative energy in this world could transform your day they would. So I'll smile till my very last stop and who knows what will come of it. I guess tomorrow's post may tell.

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