Friday, June 8, 2012

Mitube: Mitrainny

You know its a bad sign when someone is wearing the north face on the 8th of June. I personally am wearing a cardie and blazer and tights today. Its just not right. I'm looking around for a story and not finding one. Hopefully it finds me soon because I don't have my ear phones and this is my only form of entertainment I have right now. There's this woman speaking a foreign language but her voice sounds hoarse and deep like a tranny. I wonder if she is a woman. Yes.. Yes I believe she is. Its not often that I take a bus but the other night I was trying to get home from a miike snow concert in Briton so I got chatting to the bus driver because I wasn't sure if I was on the right bus. Turns out he liked the idea of said chat and by the end of the journey had revealed he is a transvestite. But straight. He said that there is a following in the uk of straight men who like to dress as women and he is in the top 10. He slipped his phone under the glass divider to show me a pic. He looked like a gorgeous she and I couldn't believe the transformation. Like winter in summer it was a bit surreal getting my head around straight trannies but what a dynamic guy. Would love to investigate the movement further as its just another example of the fusing identities of men and women. I think the fact that this man worked in public service but moonlights as a bombshell is just androgenius.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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